What’s your different?
As COVID-19 swept across the world it created a ‘new normal’ in how we all spent our lives locked in our homes, with many families living all facets of their lives together under one roof for the first time ever. With so much time spent at home it was the perfect moment for GLAD to acknowledge these moments and demonstrate how they could play a small part in bringing some joy to home life
during lockdown. The idea behind the campaign focussed on showing real life moments being created by doing things differently, and encouraging families to ‘embrace different and find the glad in it’ by sharing their own special moments using the hashtag #Whatsyourdifferent? It was fundamental that we not only talked at our customers but opened a two-way conversation
with them, that allowed them to share, comment and feel less isolated. This digitally led campaign launched across Australia, New Zealand and South Africa via a mix of online video ads, social media posts, influencer campaign and PR.